Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Reactors
“CVD 4″ model
Main characteristics
● plasmaless process, thermal synthesis (~ 800 0 C);
● synthesis of carbon nanostructures at atmospheric pressure in a stream of inert gas;
● aerosol spray techniques of the reaction mixture in the synthesis zone;
● manipulator system for the synthesis acceleration and extraction of the finished sample;
● preparing and mixing system transport (inert) and reactive gases with a high precision;
● system for data collecting, monitoring and processing to adjust parameters optimal for the synthesis of carbon nanostructures.
Arrays of carbon nanotubes:
● high density of CNTs;
● high growth rate;
● obtaining long CNTs (> 7.5 mm) for electrochemical applications;
● minimum dispersion of CNT diameter;
● modification and functionalization of CNT graphite structure.
Automatic control system (ACS) for CVD-reactor
● automation of process control for synthesis of carbon nanotubes;
● monitoring the physical parameters of the CVD-reactor in real time;
● visualization of selected parameters of the synthesis of carbon nanotubes on a on screen display;
● possibility of increasing the input-output channels number, adapting to new versions of the CVD-reactor;
● providing safe shutdown of the CVD-reactor in case of emergency.